Thursday, January 13, 2011

VSOE Upgrade

With the departure of the cafe and kitchen from the VSOE building last summer, work has been moving ahead steadily on converting the northern end to a museum/information/visitor area. Walls have been reclad, a store cupboard built, and (donated) carpet laid to create a more welcoming area for visitors. Here they can (soon) view future developments, absorb some RVR history, and enjoy a drink and a sit down. Our various railway artefacts are waiting to be displayed, with project information, displays, and hopefully audio visuals in due course.

1 comment:

  1. Why not rent out the VSOE as a cafe business? In this way the cafe would be open most days and you can stipulate one of the conditions is that Volunteers receive concessionary rates.

    The RVR is not best placed to run a cafe business as many changes over the past years have proven (no reflection on anyone/anything). it is just volunteers come to be part of a Railway, not cook bacon, so you cannot expect a retention. Anyone who takes on this as a business will build up a clientale which will increase the footfall and comfort for Railway visitors and the same time as removing risk which a guaranteed rental income gives.

    The shop in entirity can be transferred to the GBLV which would have to be put back in to the bay siding.

    Just a thought with the intention of giving a further option. And of course if there are takers for such a venture.
